Friday, August 27, 2021

Sticky Moments

Each week your child will write a journal entry titled "Sticky Moments." This 
is their newsletter entry to you -- letting your know how their week went and what "stuck with them" from the week.  I ask that they share this with you over the weekend so that they can discuss & reflect with you about their week.  Please sign it over the weekend so that I know your child shared their "Sticky Moments" with you. 

Back to School Night


Nelda Mundy teachers will hold TWO Back to School Night Sessions:) There will NOT be a large presentation in the MPR.

Guardians can go straight to teacher classrooms. 

5:30-5:55 In-Person Session - One adult NO children (in the interest of limiting the number of people in a classroom please do NOT send more than 1 adult to the in-person session)


6:00-6:25 - Virtual Session - Teachers will send out a Google Meet link for families to join the Virtual Session.

Site Council Members Needed


Site Council Members Needed

August 27, 2021


Nelda Mundy School Site Council - We would LOVE to have YOU:)

If you are interested in being a part of Nelda Mundy Site Council by helping us with our instructional program and budget, we'd love to have you! We are in need of 4 guardians to commit to being a part of Site Council! Site council members include: 5 staff members and 5 parents and the principal. There are 6 meetings throughout the year. Please send me an email @, by August 27th, if you are interested in joining us:)

Site Council Election Timeline:******Changed

  • August 20th - interest notice went out
  • September 2nd- Electronic Ballot/survey will go out with interested individuals for a vote.
  • September 9th Surveys/Ballot due
  • September 10th - New members announced

Site Council Meetings (2:30 to 3:30pm & are virtual until further notice):

September 28

October 26

January 25

March 22

April 26

May 24

Friday, August 20, 2021

First Week !!


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We had a great first week in 4th grade!! 
We got to know each other and made new friends through several community building activities. We have logged in to our devices and next we will start to work in several programs such as PADLET, Blooket and Quizziz. We are establishing our routines and expectations. I would love to see all supplies ready to go for Monday. We can always use additional supplies of black dry erase markers and pencils that we share as a class. We are good on Kleenex for now but I'll let you know when we need more. 
Thank you for all of your donations so far.

Remember to bookmark our WEBSITE and sign up to receive BLOG UPDATES in the little spot to the right . 

Update on Drop-off & Pick-up




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In order to help lessen the traffic jams (to the best of our ability) we are going to CHANGE Drop-off/ Pick-up LOCATIONS STARTING MONDAY - August 23rd.

Tk-2nd - Front of office - When families enter the front parking lot before or after school they must enter the parking from Academy Drive and exit parking lot going straight out of parking lot down Academy Drive. Please do NOT park in loading zones. (See Map Below)

3rd - 5th will enter off Mangels to the back of the school. Students will quickly enter/exit the car from the driver's side. (See Map Below)

We will NO longer USE the BUS LOOP.

PLEASE be courteous to the houses in the neighborhood. Please do not block driveways, move trash cans nor pull into driveways.

If you are walking to pick up your students, please have only 1 adult come to the front of the school to meet your student. We have literally hundreds of students looking for their adult. We need to lessen the crowds. We encourage everyone to wear a mask due to the large numbers of people.

Students may EXIT campus at the end of the day through the library gate in the Back of the school.

Another option: there are two designated spots on Mangels to Drop off and Pick up students. Students can then walk down Mangels, cross at Vintage Valley and walk along the park to get too school. #1 closer to roundabout & #2 closer to the light. (See Pictures Below)


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Drop off #1  Mangels


Drop off #2 Mangels