Friday, February 23, 2018

COLOMA information

Just a few tidbits of information as we get closer....

  • Don't forget to turn in your "letters from home" by next Thursday.  We have received a total of ONE camper's letters.....yikes!!  It really does help campers feel not so far from home when they get a little note from you.  Combine multiple letters into "Night #1" and "Night #2" envelopes.
  • Meet in the MPR by 8:15.  One teacher will be checking campers in at the door, and another teacher will be collecting medicine.  
  • Directions on how to pack/organize medications will be coming home next week.  
  • Students will need a sack lunch for the first day--all other meals will be provided.
  • No money or electronics
  • Label everything!!
  • Watch the weather--pack warm clothes [layers]--we are at an OUTDOOR school and will be outside until 9pm each night.
  • We should arrive back at Mundy between 2:00-2:30 pm on Wednesday.  
  • We will post pictures as we can on Twitter--but please know that reception is spotty.  Follow Mrs. Broschard [@NMMrsBroschard], Mrs. Story [@rustystory] and Ms. Loe [@KelseyLoe] on Twitter for updates!!

Sacramento Bunch

For those not attending Coloma, student will be here at school in room 500 with Ms. Lean, learning all about the Gold Rush, and doing most of the things they are doing at Coloma.  In addition, we will take a field trip on Tuesday, March 6th to Sacramento.

Math Test

Thursday, March 1 will be the test on Unit 6 in math. I know it seems like there is a lot of information to cover in this chapter. We have spent some extra time on division, because that is an important skill to master. Using a protractor was introduced, but mastery of that skill is not expected at this time. We will revisit it later.


They are coming up soon...March 14, 15, and 16. I will be sending out a SignUp Genius soon to parents of those students for whom we need to have a conference. If we don't need a conference, I will not send you the link. As always, if you would like to request a conference, you may send me an email.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


MCA Upcoming Events

·         Friday, February 23rd from 5:30-7:30
·         $5.00 per student (any student enrolled in school – Mundy, Cordelia, GVMS, etc)
·         Refreshments available for purchase – pizza, snacks, drinks, etc
·         Tickets are on sale now – before/after school and in the office.  We strongly encourage tickets to be purchased before the event

·         T-shirt orders are due March 5th 
·         We are looking for sponsors (family sponsors, small business sponsors, corporate sponsors) – if you are interested, in sponsoring our Fun Run, please fill out the form that was attached in their email

·         Friday, March 9th from 6:00-9:00 at Green Valley Cellars
·         Presale tickets // $15.00 for a wine tasting – up to 5 wines // $20.00 at the door
·         Food truck menu available for purchase
·         Cornhole tournament
·         Tickets are on sale now – before/after school and in the office.  We strongly encourage tickets to be purchased before the event

Friday, February 16, 2018

CODS ~ Handbooks

Image result for coloma outdoor discovery school student handbook
We are getting close to our camp dates--March 5th-7th!!  WOOOHOO!!! Students brought home their Student Handbooks for CODS today!!!   These handbooks have information about our schedule, menus, and what to pack.  These handbooks should be kept in a safe place & packed in your child's backpack for our trip [for their reference].

Valentine's Day

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Thank you to the room moms for putting on a fabulous Valentine's Day / UN-birthday party!! We had a wonderful time. Thanks also to the moms and dads who came in to help!  You ROCK!!! 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Battle of the Books Meeting

From Mrs. Cottman:

Hi Everyone,
Would you please let your students know that I will be having a Battle of the Books informational meeting this Friday during lunch in the library? Anyone who would like to participate in the Battle is invited to come.

Hiking Shoes for Coloma

Don't forget to find a comfortable pair of shoes you can hike in for Coloma. Day two is an all day hike that takes us up over a ridge to look back down on the valley. Be sure if you are buying hiking boots/shoes that you break them in well before Coloma. Don't forget to pack some thick socks as well. We have had kids get bad blisters from new shoes their feet weren't used to. It wouldn't hurt to get out and take a few longer walks [in your hiking shoes] on these beautiful days of sunshine. We want kids to have maximum fun and learning on our Gold Rush trip. [We are 19 days away]

Friday, February 9, 2018

Upcoming MCA Events

February 23 - Family Dance - $5.00 per student, 5:30-7:30pm. Tickets go on sale in the office beginning Feb. 13th!

March 9 - Parents Night Out! Come join Mundy parents at Green Valley Cellars from 6:00-9:00pm. Pre-sale tickets are $15, or $20 at the door!

CODS ~ Letter from home!!

Our time at the Coloma Outdoor Discovery School is quickly approaching.  J YEAH!!! Your child will be away from home for 3 days—hard for both parents and kids!!  It would be nice if your child had some “mail” to receive while they are at camp.  They might not feel so far from home if they could read a letter from you!!  Please put any letters you want your child to have at camp in an envelope with their name [first & last] on it.  Consolidate multiple letters into “Night #1” and “Night #2” envelopes—that will greatly ease our delivery process.  We will distribute them at camp in the evenings.  Please try to have the letters to us by Thursday, March 1st.  Thank you for making the camp experience a memorable one!!

Camper Handbooks will go home next week!!!!

Book Report

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I sent home the next Book Report. It is due March 13th. Students may choose between an Historical Fiction, an Award Winner , or a Sports Fiction [not biography or non-fiction] book . They may choose one of the following to present their Book Report: a Google Presentation, a Cereal Box, or a Fancy Folders Directions will be available in class once they have selected their book. Books must be at least 100 pages and pre-approved by me before they begin.  This week, I briefly went over each possible project so that your child knows what each one involves.  Paper copies are available in class once they make a decision. I also posted the directions to each project on my website.

Coloma Questions

For those of you who have questions about our upcoming gold rush camp in Coloma, here is their website that will help answer some of them for you:


School starts at 8:15.  Morning Clubhouse is the official start of our day--it's part of your child's required PE minutes--and is not optional.  Please make every effort to have your child on the blacktop and read to participate by 8:15.  Students arriving after the start of Morning Clubhouse will me marked tardy.     


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Family STEAM Night is on Thursday, March 1st, from 5-7 PM in the MPR.  Come and join us for fun activities!

Scholastic Book Order

The February Scholastic Book order came going home today.  
All orders are due online by Friday, February 16th.
The class code is: GQZNM

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Friday, February 2, 2018

Lunar Eclipse!!

What an awesome sight this week!!  
About 1/2 of our kiddos got up early to see it...

Photo Credit: the Brockman Family  

5th Grade Bound

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We are at the halfway point in the year. I always give the kids a talk about how my job has changed. The first half of the year I was molding 3rd graders in to 4th graders but now I am moving them toward being 5th graders. My expectations have increased and I will be looking for much more detailed work from them.  You can review your child's work, grades, and my comments in  Google Classroom anytime.  Ask your student to show you...

MAP Testing

MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) testing will take place three times during our school year.  Next week starts the window for the second "testing window."  We will start with ELA on Monday--and take Math on Thursday. These tests are done on a computer and they measure academic growth throughout the year.  The tests are unique as they can adapt to your your child's level of learning!  Each student has the same opportunity to set goals for themselves and to succeed while maintaining a positive attitude toward testing!  MAP tests take a shorter amount of time to administer and give us detailed accurate information about their growth. Check out THIS Parent's Guide to MAP Growth!

Valentine's Day

We will be having our Valentine's Day party on February 14th.  
A SIGNUP GENIUS came out last week!!  
Please watch for it!!

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 If your child wants to pass out valentines at the party, s/he needs to make sure to have one for each person in the class.   No one should be left out!!  

Thinking Journals

Please remember to "go over" / talk about and SIGN your child's Thinking Journal each night.  With the school's "No Homework" policy, we use this journal as a way to keep you connected with what is going on in class, and hopefully "spark" further discussions at home.

Thinking Journals are part of our 21st century learning skills. Student’s reflections on learning and making connections to their lives are a very powerful tool. Journals are started in class and completed at home every night. Students record the daily word bank of key terms from the day and then reflect on their learning and connections through the sentence frame: “I notice”, “It reminds me of” and “I wonder.” Responses should be 2 or 3 sentences to each frame. Students should be reading these to someone at night and sharing their learning and thoughts. Friday’s reflection [Sticky Moments] is “What stuck with me this week?”  We complete these in class, so it is not homework. The idea is to make learning meaningful to the kids by connecting classroom learning to their own world. Thanks!