Friday, January 26, 2018

Progress Reports

Your child is bringing home an official Progress Report and/or a current Grade Printout. These grades reflect how your child is doing at this time.  Please note that grades may change by report card time.  
Here are some important things to keep in mind:

·         In our class, we celebrate a Growth Mindset. Look at the Progress Report/Grade Printout as an opportunity to encourage your child in areas where he/she needs growth, rather than punish him/her for “bad grades”.
o        Ask him/her, “How can you better understand the material?”
o        “Are you really doing your best work?”
o        “Are you using the strategies you have learned to solve the problems?”
o        “Are you paying attention in class when instructions are being given?”
·         This is the first year they are getting letter grades [A, B, C, D, F], and are still learning to study for tests, etc. This is a skill they will develop as students this year.

Remember that tests with a score lower than 70% can be redone for up to a 70%.  

Computer Use

Our children have access to the GSuite for Education through the school district. This access opens up a very large cloud-based computing platform for them to use. With that comes access to E-mail, Chat, Hangouts, and all of the other GSuite applications. The district doesn't have the ability to pick and choose the ones they wish to use (e.g.,Classroom), while limiting access to the others (e.g., Chat).

This is where good Digital Citizenship comes in. We spend time discussing what is and isn't appropriate on a computer, and we teach how to access appropriate content. We use Classroom every single day in class, along with other software applications that have been uploaded into our Classroom.

At this point, Nelda Mundy is putting in place a policy regarding Chat and Hangout. Students should NOT be using this on their school district accounts, even at home. I won't respond to Chat or Hangout requests, as they shouldn't be using them at all.

Mr, Kubiak let the children know that this is the new policy in our classrooms, and we had an extensive conversation in class as well. Violations of the policy will have appropriate consequences. THANKS!


If you are out & about and find some skinny, black Expo pens on your errands this week, we could use some for our classroom.  We have gone through all of the Expo pens that were donated at the start of the year, and would love some more...  Thank you!!!

Friday, January 12, 2018


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FINAL COLOMA PAYMENT:  The final payment for camp is due!!!  I sent home a note on Wednesday indicating your (if any) balance.  Please have all money in to me by 
January 24.  We will need to make our final payment to Coloma soon after that.  

MEDICAL INFORMATION FORM:  Attached to the Coloma money information is a blue Medical Information Form for camp.  Please fill it out in its entirety (both sides) and return to me ASAP.  If your child will require any medication while at camp (both prescription and OTC), the form must be signed by your child’s doctor.  Your child will not be allowed to keep the medication with them.  We will keep it safe and provide the medication when/as needed.  Please don’t send “just in case…” medication—if your child is sick enough to need medicine, s/he will most likely need to go home.

Robotics Club

Image result for robotics
The Robotics Club is getting ready to start its new semester. Students in grades 3-5 who are new to robotics can apply at the following link.


We are almost at the midway point for the 2nd trimester.  I am currently finalizing grades for Progress Reports.  Only students performing below grade level will receive an official Progress Report.  During the week of 1/22, you should anticipate receiving either a grade printout and/or a current progress report.  Your child should also be at about 50% of his/her AR goal, too!!  [Are you checking in on your child's progress??]

Image result for progress reports 

Thursday, January 11, 2018


Image result for six flags read to succeed

For those that want to participate...I sent home a Reading Log for the "Read to Succeed" program through Six Flags in December.  If you log 6 hours of reading on the log, you earn a FREE ticket to Discovery Kingdom.  Easy--you already read for KBAR--just log those minutes and you'll be done in no time!!  

Scholastic Book Order

The current January Scholastic Book order went home on today.  
All orders are due online by Friday, January 19th.
The class code is: GQZNM

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