Friday, December 20, 2019

Happy Holidays!!

Thank you for all of the wonderful presents.  You are all too generous and spoil me!!

  I hope that you have a restful, relaxing, and safe holiday season as you enjoy time with family and friends. 
See you next year!!! 

Mr. Mark's Last Day

Start Time & Tardies

We averaged over 60 student tardies per day at Mundy in December!  YIKES!!
School begins at 8:15, which means your child needs to be in the classroom
(if raining) or on the blacktop at that time.
We will be closing all gates at 8:12am and students will need to
enter through the office. Please help us prioritize the importance of
arriving before the bell and ready for our academic day.
Our morning PE consists of 40 minutes toward student’s weekly
PE minutes and this is part of their grade.

Thank you for partnering with us to minimize disruptions
and emphasize the importance of being on time.

Coding with our Kinder Buddies

We had fun teaching our Kindergarten buddies how to code this week!!  The "bigs" were very patient teachers to the "littles"--many of whom had never used a trackpad before.  It was very sweet!!

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Friday, December 13, 2019


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Thank you for all of the books that were purchased for the classroom from the Book Fair.  
We LOVE getting new books!!  

Spirit Week Next Week!!

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Monday- 'Silver and Gold' Day: Dress in all silver and gold in honor of the classic Burl Ives Holiday song!
Tuesday-Backwards Day: Wear your clothes backwards!
Wednesday- Ugly Holiday Sweater Day: Wear your most hideous Holiday Sweater!
Thursday- Pajama Day: Wear your comfiest PJ's to school on this day!
Friday- Farewell to Mr. Mark Day: Wear a baseball cap, white t-shirt, and blue jeans in honor of Mr. Mark's last day at Nelda Mundy!

Mr. Mark's Farewell Social


Book Exchange

Before we leave for break, we will have a book exchange.  If your child wants to participate, s/he needs to bring in a wrapped, unmarked book.  The book should be good for both boys & girls--and appropriate for our reading levels.  Every student that brings in a book will get a different book in exchange through a fun ["White Elephant" type] game!! 

Hour of Code

Hour of Code

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We coded this week!!  The kids loved it!!  Khan Academy, Scratch, Tynker and Hopscotch are FREE web-based sites for kids to explore and learn.    I put several links up on Google Classroom so that kids can code on their own.  
21st Century kids code--that's US!!

Friday, December 6, 2019


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Another Coloma payment is due!!  We will need to make a second payment before we leave on Winter break.  If you haven't done so already, please send in your second payment [either $75 or the remaining balance of $150] and the permission slip by December 13th.  Thanks!!

Checks need to be made out to "Nelda Mundy" 

Book Exchange

Before we leave for break, we will have a book exchange.  If your child wants to participate, s/he needs to bring in a wrapped, unmarked book.  The book should be good for both boys & girls--and appropriate for our reading levels.  Every student that brings in a book will get a different book in exchange through a fun ["White Elephant" type] game!! 

Toys for Tots

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Student Council will be collecting new, unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots through December 13Drop off toys before school at either unloading zone. If your child is in the 4th or 5th grade, be sure they get their name on the clipboard if they're interested in playing Air Force dodgeball--after school on Monday, 12/16.