Friday, August 30, 2019

First Week!!

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We had a great first week in 4th grade!! 
We got to know each other and made new friends through several community building activities. We have logged in to our devices and next we will start to work in several programs such as Night Zookeeper, PADLET, and Quizziz. We are establishing our routines and expectations. I would love to see all Thinking Journals [front covers only] decorated by Monday. I will seal them here at school. We can always use additional supplies of black dry erase markers and pencils that we share as a class. We are good on Kleenex for now but I'll let you know when we need more. 
Thank you for all of your donations so far.

Remember to bookmark our WEBSITE and sign up to receive BLOG UPDATES in the little spot to the right . 

Night Zookeeper ~ Creative Writing

Students signed in to their Night Zookeeper accounts today. This is a fun creative writing program. Your kids will be using this in class but they can also use it at home. They can read each other's work on the class NZK Blog. They can read work from kids around the world. 
Watch this video to learn more.

Friday, August 23, 2019

WELCOME New Students

Image result for first day of school
Welcome to Mrs. Broschard's 4th grade class. We are located in Room 600.  I am looking forward to meeting you all on Monday. You will have PE class first thing with Coach Casas. I will meet you outside our classroom and you can hang up your backpack.  During Morning Clubhouse, you will doing some walking first and then meet at our line on the blacktop.  Coach Casas will then have PE with you until about 9:00.  Have a great weekend. Rest up and have a terrific breakfast on Monday morning. It's supposed to be hot so be sure to bring your water bottle. We have a very late lunch 12:35-1:15 so be sure and pack a good snack for our 15 minute recess at 9:52 to 10:07.

*Be sure to "follow by email" to receive updates to this BLOG . The sign up bar is to the right [best viewed on a computer]

Supply List

 *NEW for '19-'20 school year:   Each child will have a Chromebook checked out to them to take home [and return to school/charged] daily. 

We are a "PAPER LITE" classroom. Please do not buy a binder.  We use our website and Google Classroom, extensively.  Classroom instruction is based on 1:1 devices.  Personal HEADPHONES are nice during testing & other computer-based sites/activities.  School issued ones are uncomfortable.

For your child--> MUST fit in "regular-sized"  supply box!!  
We have 21st Century desks/tables, so there is no "desk storage." Please leave extra supplies--special pens, notepads, erasers, etc.--at home.  Thank you!!                        
*2 sharpened pencils/automatic pencils OK                                
*1 box 12-count colored pencils     
*1 box 24-count crayons                                
*1 white board eraser (or a CLEAN sock)                               
*Standard-size supply box [small rectangle +/- 5” x 9”]                 
*1 pair of student scissors   
*two plastic folders with pockets and prongs [two different colors]
*two single-subject spiral notebooks [wide-ruled]
*hand-held pencil sharpener  
*one glue stick                          

Classroom Donations:
*binder paper [wide ruled]
*white copy paper
*colored copy paper--pastel or bright 
*1 box skinny, black, dry-erase Expo markers
*1 box of #2 pencils
*1 box of Kleenex
*glue sticks