Friday, April 26, 2019


Your child's Homework Agenda entries are going to look different from now on.  Instead of two sections..."Must Do" and "May Do"...there will be 3.
  1. Unfinished Work: Any work from the day that [after given ample time in class] is still not done.  Any work listed in this section needs to be completed and brought to school the next day.  This may also include missing work from being absent.  
  2. MUST DO:  Work that must be completed that day...non-negotiable.  This will include reading for 30 minutes, Math Home Links [M, T, Th], Thinking Journal [W], and a weekly Padlet entry.  
  3. MAY DO:  Optional work.  

Thinking Journals

Please remember to "go over" / talk about and SIGN your child's Thinking Journal.  They only come home on Wednesdays and Fridays now.    We use this journal as a way to keep you connected with what is going on in class, and hopefully "spark" further discussions at home.

I am having fewer and fewer students bringing their signed Thinking Journals back to me each week.  Are they not sharing with you?  Are they not getting signed?

Thinking Journals are part of our 21st century learning skills. Student’s reflections on learning and making connections to their lives are a very powerful tool. Journals are started in class and completed at home on Wednesdays and Fridays. Students should be reading these to someone and sharing their learning and thoughts. 

CAASPP Test Practice

Here is the link to the CAASPP Test Practice site. We have started practicing in  school. You are welcome to practice at home, too.

5th Grade t-shirts

Hello, Future 5th Grade Parents! We just wanted to give you a heads up that we are not planning on doing a 5th grade shirt next year. The 5th grade teachers do not want the financial responsibility of taking on the Student Body Account. If a parent is willing to personally handle the designing and ordering of the shirts, you are more than welcome. To get more information about what is involved, you can email Ms. Choy at Thanks!

Thursday, April 18, 2019


Your child should have his/her book read by Tuesday, April 23rd, as we will begin our note-taking activity in the afternoon that day. Please have him/her bring their book to school. We will also be working on research skills using the internet. As they finish their research, I will be reviewing their notes to make sure they are ready to move on to the next part of the process, which will be writing paragraphs and setting up their boards.

How can you help?

  1. You can help your child print out color pictures for the board (no bigger than 5x7).
  2. You can send in poster decorations for your child to use to make the board colorful (letters, colored scrapbook paper, etc.) Please send in things for your child's board only--it get very complicated trying to share materials.
  3. You can help with memorizing the short speech (we will go over what to include).
  4. On Tuesday, May 21st, you can make sure your child is dressed as his/her character.
9:05-9:20 that morning will be set up time. If parents would like to preview the museum, this would be the time to do it. After that time, the museum will be for Nelda Mundy students only.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Field Day Sign Up

Our Field Day Committee is looking for donations for our End of Year [how can that be?] Field Day


If you are out & about and find some skinny, black Expo pens on your errands this week, we could use some for our classroom.  We have gone through all of the Expo pens that were donated, and would love some more...  Thank you!!!

April Book Order

The April Scholastic Book order is coming home TODAY.  
All orders are due online by Thursday April 18th.
The class code is: GQZNM

Image result for scholastic

Spring Picure Day

Next Wednesday (April 17) is Spring picture day. Information is coming  home TODAY with your child. 

National Parks for 4th Graders

Check out this link to get free passes to US National Parks for 4th graders! 

Spirit Week

Mon 4/15 - Wear ALL BLUE for Autism Awareness
Tues 4/16 - Together Everyone Accomplishes More [Favorite Sports Team Day]
Wed 4/17 - Wacky Wednesday
(Wednesday is also Spring Picture Day)
Thurs. 4/18 - Hats Off to Autism [Hat Day]

Friday, April 5, 2019

IMPORTANT ~ Testing Dates

We have the dates when we will be CAASPP testing (that's the big state test they take in spring)! We will take the ELA tests 5/7, 5/8, 5/9, and 5/13. We will take the math tests 5/14, 5/15, and 5/16.  Please do not schedule appointments or vacations on these days--especially in the morning!! Thanks!


If you are out & about and find some skinny, black Expo pens on your errands this week, we could use some for our classroom.  We have gone through all of the Expo pens that were donated, and would love some more...  Thank you!!!

Living Museum Project

On Monday, your child will come home with the directions for the upcoming biography project.  Please read over the paper, sign it & return it to school with your child on Tuesday so that I know you have seen it.  We have talked in class about students picking a biography about someone who has made a positive impact on the world or his/her community.  I am approving books NOW!!  

Right now...your child's only job is to find a book and start reading it!!!
Time will be given in class [starting 4/23] to read, research, and work on poster boards. While this is meant to be an in-class assignment, if your child is not finished by Friday, May 10th, it must be finished at home. No more work time will be given after that date.

BOGO Book Fair

Family STEAM Night