Friday, March 22, 2019

Spring Fair ~ PLEASE sign up!!

Hello Everyone! MCA is hosting a Spring Fair (carnival) with game booths put on by the classes. Our two classes [Broschard & Burke] will be in charge of running the Pick-A-Pop booth which is always a huge hit with the kids. We are fortunate to have all of the materials necessary for the game so we are only asking for your help in staffing the booth in half hour shifts, two people per shift. Please sign up for a shift that works for you! Thanks for your help!

Spring Fair SignUp Genius


Fourth grade has traditionally had a "Biography Day", where students dressed up as an important person from history. This year we are going to do things a little bit differently (I did give the kids a little sneak peek)! Specific information and dates will be coming home after Spring Break...follow this blog to get the scoop!
I just wanted to give you a heads up, so if your child is inclined to read over the break (they should because they enjoy reading!), he/she may want to choose a simple biography to read. The "Who Is ___?" or "Who Was ___?" series are good ones to use for the project. We will be doing most of the project in class, starting in mid-April.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Report Cards ~ Illuminate portal OPENS

Image result for report cards

The Report Card portal opens on Illuminate on Tuesday, March 19th. We no longer print out report cards. If you have questions on how to access your portal, please contact the office. If I have not [already] scheduled a report card conference with you, your child is meeting grade level standards at this time.

Friday, March 1, 2019

COLOMA information

Just a few tidbits of information as we get closer....

  • Don't forget to turn in your "letters from home" by next Thursday.  We have received a total of THREE camper's letters.....yikes!!  It really does help campers feel not so far from home when they get a little note from you.  Combine multiple letters into "Night #1" and "Night #2" envelopes.
  • Meet in the MPR by 8:15.  One teacher will be checking campers in at the door, and another teacher will be collecting medicine.  
  • Directions on how to pack/organize medications will be coming home next week.  
  • Students will need a sack lunch for the first day--all other meals will be provided.
  • No money or electronics
  • Label everything!!
  • Watch the weather--pack warm clothes [layers]--we are at an OUTDOOR school and will be outside until 9pm each night.
  • We should arrive back at Mundy between 2:00-2:30 pm on Thursday.  
  • We will post pictures as we can on Twitter--but please know that reception is spotty.  Follow Mrs. Broschard [@NMMrsBroschard], Mrs. Story [@rustystory] and Ms. Loe [@KelseyLoe] on Twitter for updates!!

COLOMA letters

Our time at the Coloma Outdoor Discovery School is quickly approaching.  J YEAH!!!  Your child will be away from home for 3 days—hard for both parents and kids!!  It would be nice if your child had some “mail” to receive while they are at camp.  They might not feel so far from home if they could read a letter from you!!  Please put any letters you want your child to have at camp in an envelope with their name [first & last] on it.  Consolidate multiple letters into “Night #1” and “Night #2” envelopes—that will greatly ease our delivery process.  We will distribute them at camp in the evenings.  Please try to have the letters to us by Thursday, March 7th.  Thank you for making the camp experience a memorable one!!

Camper Handbooks were sent home via email!!!!


They are coming up soon...March 20, 21, and 22. I will be sending out a SignUp Genius soon to parents of those students for whom we need to have a conference. If we don't need a conference, I will not send you the link. As always, if you would like to request a conference, you may send me an email.

Typing Practice

A parent asked for a place to practice typing/keyboarding to improve their child's skills. Here are some FREE sites recommended by the Mundy teachers. Enjoy!

Typing Game
Dance Mat Typing
Typing Club