Friday, January 25, 2019


FINAL COLOMA PAYMENT:  The final payment for camp is due next THURSDAY!!!  
A note was sent home a few weeks ago indicating your (if any) balance.  
Please have all money in to us by January 31.  
We will need to make our final payment to Coloma soon after that.  

MEDICAL INFORMATION FORM:  Attached to the Coloma money information is a blue Medical Information Form for camp.  Please fill it out in its entirety (both sides) and return to me ASAP.  If your child will require any medication while at camp (both prescription and OTC), the form must be signed by your child’s doctor.  Your child will not be allowed to keep the medication with them.  We will keep it safe and provide the medication when/as needed.  Please don’t send “just in case…” medication—if your child is sick enough to need medicine, s/he will most likely need to go home.

MAP Testing

We will  be taking our Winter MAP tests on Tuesday, February, 5th and Tuesday, February 12th
We will use Wednesdays as well if needed. 

Please have kids on time, well-rested, and a yummy breakfast in their tummies. A few weeks ago, we looked at our scores from the Fall and set new personal goals. We also looked at our class average score on MAP testing and set a class goal since we work as a team!! 

Valentine's Day Sign-up

Image result for valentines day

Author Visit on Monday

Yearbook Orders due 2/14

Don’t Miss Out on a Nelda Mundy Yearbook this year!

Yearbook Link

Yearbook ID Code: 10276919
Ordering deadline for Yearbooks is February 14th, 2019.

Scholastic Book Order due TONIGHT

Image result for scholastic book

I will be submitting the Scholastic Book order tomorrow [Saturday] morning.
Our code is: GQZNM

Friday, January 18, 2019

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Video

A great video we watched today.

Mundy Family Dance

Mundy Under the Stars Auction


Image result for six flags read to succeed

For those that want to participate...I sent home a Reading Log for the "Read to Succeed" program through Six Flags in December.  If you log 6 hours of reading on the log, you earn a FREE ticket to Discovery Kingdom.  Easy--you already read for KBAR--just log those minutes and you'll be done in no time!!  Reading Logs are due 2/14/19.  


The January Scholastic book order went home on Thursday.  
All orders are due online by Friday, January 25th.
Please help us earn books for our classroom library!!
The class code is: GQZNM

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Friday, January 11, 2019


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FINAL COLOMA PAYMENT:  The final payment for camp is due!!!  I sent home a note on Thursday indicating your (if any) balance.  Please have all money in to me us 
January 31.  We will need to make our final payment to Coloma soon after that.  

MEDICAL INFORMATION FORM:  Attached to the Coloma money information is a blue Medical Information Form for camp.  Please fill it out in its entirety (both sides) and return to me ASAP.  If your child will require any medication while at camp (both prescription and OTC), the form must be signed by your child’s doctor.  Your child will not be allowed to keep the medication with them.  We will keep it safe and provide the medication when/as needed.  Please don’t send “just in case…” medication—if your child is sick enough to need medicine, s/he will most likely need to go home.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Robotics Club

Mundy's Robotics Club is now accepting applications! The club is open to 3rd-5th graders and will be after school on Wednesdays, beginning on 2/6, from 2:20-3:20 in room 707. It will be taught by Ms. Lisa Giaramita. Please click the link below to apply.  Applications will be accepted through 1/23. Thanks!