Friday, April 28, 2017

CAASPP Testing starts TUESDAY


We will begin CAASPP testing on Tuesday. Please be sure your student is well rested and has a good breakfast in their tummy. We will start after PE/Music each day and continue as long as we need to, taking a ten minute pause for recess. We will test Tuesday through Friday of the upcoming week [May 2- May 5] and the following week, Tuesday through Thursday [May 9-11]. By end of day Monday, we will have taken/tried all 2 Smarter Balanced Training Tests and 5 Smarter Balanced Practice Tests in ELA & Math. These gave students a chance to practice with the online tools available as well as trying out the different types of questions & responses that will be expected of them.


Jog-a-Thon Shirts

Your child is brought home the order form for the 2017 Jog-a-Thon T Shirts. Orders are due to the front office by Friday, May 5th.  


Sunday, April 23, 2017


All 4th grade classrooms will be taking the CAASPP assessments the first two weeks of May.  We will be testing May 2-5 and May 9-12.  Please make every attempt to have your child in class those days.  Please do not schedule doctor's appointments, or trips, during this time.  Retakes/make-ups are hard since students would be pulled out of regular instruction to test. Thanks!!
We will begin our practice testing this week [April 24-28]. Each day we will practice how to take the test [and the online tools available] and the types of questions we will encounter. 

One way you can help at home is by having your child work on:

Khan Academy - this will help them with math skills as well as some ELA skills.
Prodigy - has practice for ELA and Math, specifically targeted to the CAASPP.

Friday, April 21, 2017

CAASPP Testing!!!


All 4th grade classrooms will be taking the CAASPP assessments the first two weeks of May.  We will be testing May 2-5 and May 9-12.  Please make every attempt to have your child in class those days.  Please do not schedule doctor's appointments, or trips, during this time.  Retakes/make-ups are hard since students would be pulled out of regular instruction to test. Thanks!!

MCA Reminders!!!

A Few Reminders from Mundy...

2017 jogathon graphic


Nelda Mundy Elementary presents our 7th Annual Jog-A-Thon, Thursday May 25th!!! Our students will be collecting pledges from relatives and friends; however - Small Businesses and Corporate Sponsors have always been an important part of helping us raise money for our school & promoting good health. There are multiple sponsorship levels & benefits available, click here to access the > SPONSORSHIP APPLICATION < to see how you may be able to help. Your financial support is appreciated and will be showcased at this event!
The funds raised from our 7th Annual Jog-A-Thon will go towards field trips, assemblies, student enrichment and updated technology! Sponsorship applications are DUE by Friday, May 5th!
bricks flier 4-19-17


We have extended the Pathways to the Future Sponsorship deadline to Friday, May 12th! There has been additional buzz recently about this opportunity, and families interested in making a donation and leaving there history mark on our awesome campus! As the plan all along was to install the bricks over the summer months, it made sense to extend the deadline to May 12th.
Click > HERE < to access our Pathways to the Future website, and place your personalized timeless stamp on our Mundy campus!
A HUGE Thank you to all who have already turned in there sponsorship forms!
The funds raised from Pathways to the Future will be allocated towards Technology & Student Enrichment!


Join our amazing team and help make a difference for our kids elementary school experience! The MCA Board is recruiting for a few key board positions, specifically: Treasurer, Chair of Academics, Chair of Parent Volunteers and Parent District Liaison! Board nominations are taking place NOW!
You can Click > HERE < to check out the MCA Bylaws, and what is involved for each Board Position. Nomination Forms are DUE in the office by Monday, May 1st for consideration. We hope you will join us!
original works


Tuesday, April 25th will be your absolute LAST chance to turn in your children's Original Art Work pieces! Classic childhood timepieces and great Mothers Day gifts! Don't forget to turn your orders in by Tuesday at the latest!
mark your calendar


4/25 * Last Call for Original Artwork Orders 
4/28 * Walk to School/Spirit Wear Contest 
4/28 * 1st Grade Play 
5/1 - 5/5 * Science Camp (5th Grade)
5/5 * Jog-A-Thon Sponsorship Applications Due
5/5 * 2nd Cup of Coffee Rm. 702

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Jump Rope for Heart

Jump Rope for Heart donation forms AND donations are due on MONDAY, APRIL 24TH!!!
Please remember to convert any cash donations to checks. 
Checks should be made out to the American Heart Assosciation.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April Book Order

Did you miss the Book Fair? Your child brought home the April Book Order last week.  Ordering books through Scholastic is a great way for student to get books to read over the summer to keep up their reading skills! 

Please go to Scholastic and order the books by Friday, April 21st. The class code is GQZNM.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Original Artworks Fundraiser Forms

Yesterday [Wednesday], your child brought home a plastic envelope containing his/her Original Art Works project. If you wish to order products, please refer to the order form. You must return the original art along with your payment to school by Thursday, April 20th.   The deadline is firm to be able to get the products back in time.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Accelerated Reader Cut Off Date

In order to be recognized for Accelerated Reader word count (750,000 or higher) for the year, the calculation will cut off at May 1st. This only affects the Word Count. Students may continue to take reading quizzes to reach their 3rd grading period point goals.

Award-winning Book List

Here is a link to some Award Winning Books to help in your selection of books for the next Book Report Project.

Friday, April 7, 2017



All 4th grade classrooms
 will be taking the CAASPP assessments the first two weeks of May.  We will be testing May 2-5 and May 9-12.  Please make every attempt to have your child in class those days.  Please do not schedule doctor's appointments, or trips, during this time.  Retakes/make-ups are hard since students would be pulled out of regular instruction to test. Thanks!!

Book Report

Image result for book report

I have sent home the next Book Report. It is due May 5th. Students may choose between an Historical Fiction, an Award Winner , or a Sports Fiction [not biography or non-fiction] book . They may choose one of the following to present their Book Report: a Google Presentation, a Cereal Box, or a Fancy Folders. Directions will be available in class once they have selected their book. Books must be at least 100 pages and pre-approved by me before they begin.  Today I went over each possible project so that your child knows what each one involves.  Paper copies are available in class once they make a decision.  I also posted the directions to each project on my website.

Updates from the MCA



Don't Miss our Mundy Talent Show, tomorrowFriday April 7th at 5:30 in the MPR! This is DEFINITELY an event you will NOT want to miss! Snacks will be available for purchase. We hope to see you there for some fun and supporting our talented kiddos!!!
bricks flyer


We have extended the Pathways to the Future Sponsorship deadline to Friday, May 12th! There has been additional buzz recently about this opportunity, and families interested in making a donation and leaving there history mark on our awesome campus! As the plan all along was to install the bricks over the summer months, it made sense to extend the deadline to May 12th.
Click > HERE < to access our Pathways to the Future website, and place your personalized timeless stamp on our Mundy campus!
A HUGE Thank you to all who have already turned in there sponsorship forms!
The funds raised from Pathways to the Future will be allocated towards Technology & Student Enrichment!
mark your calendar


4/3 - 4/7 * Nelda Mundy - Buy 1 Get 1 Free Book Fair 
4/7 * 2nd Cup of Coffee @ 8:30AM Rm. 702 
4/7 * Talent Show @ 5:30PM in the MPR
4/10 * See's Candy Orders distributed this week
4/12 * Spring Picture Day
4/14 * NO SCHOOL
4/17 * NO SCHOOL